Your mileage logbook is ready when needed

Your mileage reports are ready when you are. You’re only one click away from a detailed mileage log available on mobile or desktop.

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Everything you need for your

Detailed CRA Mileage Log

Get a customizable mileage report of all of your trips, downloadable as a PDF or Excel file, ready to hand over to your employer or accountant.

The report contains all the details required by the CRA, ready to be used as documentation for e.g. reimbursement claims or tax deductions.


Customize reimbursement

From the get-go, your reimbursements will be calculated automatically based on requirements of the CRA that we make sure to keep up to date for you. If you’d like, you can set your own custom corporate rates or choose not to calculate reimbursements at all.

Odometer log

If you need to regularly document the status of your car’s odometer, we’ve got you covered. We make it easy to log and can even send you reminders. You choose how often to log the odometer, and we do all the math for you and include it in your report.

Vehicles & workplaces

Do you need to keep a logbook for multiple vehicles or report mileage to more than one employer? No problem. You can easily segment your trips and reporting for different vehicles and workplaces.

Other features

More about Tracking More about Classifying

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Frequently asked questions

Absolutely! Open the Driversnote logbook app and tap the Report icon.

You can create your custom report by selecting the vehicle, date interval, trip type and workplace. You can also choose whether or not to include your odometer readings within reports (keep in mind, it may not be a requirement in your country). Once you create a report it will be saved under "My reports".

Yes, you can share your CRA logs through the Driversnote logbook app; just tap Send and enter the recipient's email.

You can set a custom reporting period, which makes it easy to regularly create mileage reports with a standard time frame - weekly, fortnightly, monthly, and so on.

You can also choose to be notified via email when you need to create a report.